
Monday, 30 April 2018

International Book Day, St.Jordi’s Day, GoFor Book Fair, Books and Roses¡

   On 23rd April we celebrate St.Jordi’s day in Catalonia, where books are roses are the protagonists. It’s a special day at school, and as it is also the International Book Day, we agreed on setting our GoFor Project Book Fair for this day. Among others, our students have been working hard for the last weeks to show their outcomes in the fair.

  •    1r ESO students (12 years) did a whole class final novel project, an awesome Frankenstein’s Comic Book as a post-reading task. They’ve been working in groups, they took decisions on what to include and exclude, they took the pictures themselves, and they edited them online using Lunapic website. Since we’ve dealt with Frankenstein to celebrate the monster’s 200th birthday, we wanted everybody at school to know about this great masterpiece by Mary Shelley. By means of creating a comic book out of the novel, everybody at school had the chance to read the story.
  •    2nd ESO students (13 years) were in charge of motivating through motivational quotes, to foster reading.
  •    4t ESO students (15 years) were also encouraged to take part in the Marina Novel Listing Project. They created informative panels where one book they liked was recommended to the rest of the students. Their panels included: name of the book and title, slogan, relevant quotes from the book, a summary, a recommendation, product details and other similar books.
  •    4tESO and non-compulsory students also had the chance to attend a workshop where the writer Mireia Vancells explained to them how we can write to make people happy and get some money¡ Students could get to know firsthand the literary profession and they could put into practice their knowledge of the language to write creatively.

  We also held a literary contest so all students could take part by means of writing a poem or a short story in any of the languages we speak; French, Catalan, Spanish or English. A commission formed by teachers decided the awarded poems and short stories and students were given their award during St.Jordi’s ceremony. 
   Moreover, we also wanted to promote creativity by means of organising an Instagram contest where participants (students, teachers, parents) could upload their best romantic picture with the hashtag #frankensteinlove18. They were also awarded during the ceremony; one category for 12-14 years students, another one for 15-16 years old students, one for non-compulsory education students and lastly, one more for teachers and parents.
   Last but not least, the project team students who designed an awarded logo for our project were given a certificate.
   Our major, Mr Sierra, as well as the Culture Councillor from La Llagosta townhall, attended our school on this great day. Neither do teachers, students and parents!


Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Twinspace Reading Circles

    Our students have started their own Etwinning project based on Reading Circles where they will be working in groups formed by one student from a different country. Prior to meetings, they have been discussing how to plan meetings as well as the distribution of chapters.

    Once done and agreed, they have started meeting online to discuss their role worksheets and reach agreements. Their conclusions will be published on project Twinspace by the discussion leader after every meeting. This seems it works, go on like this, both students and partners!

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

St. Jordi's GoFor Book Fair

   On 23rd April, on International Day Book and the daw we celebrate St. Jordi in Catalonia, we'll also hold our Gofor Project Book Fair to promote reading habits among our students.

   In order to get so, our students have been working hard preparing some panels to share with the rest of the students book  they found attractive to read. Moreover, they also suggest other readings that can be interesting for teenagers. Books can be in English, Catalan, Spanish or French. Other students are in charge of showing some motivational quotes regarding reading on a wall, quotes they did themselves. And our youngest students will show the comic book they did themselves about Franskenstein.

   On that day, we'll get some students to recite their literary creations for our Marina literary contest; poems and novels as well as inviting Mireia Vancells, a well-known writer in our town who will come to do a workshop with students on how to write to make people's lifes happier and get some money whenever possible.

We're working hard to celebrate this important day in our scholar community. Our major and parents are welcome!

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

C1 Mobility in Borken (Germany)

   From the 18th to 24th March we've spent some days in Borken (Germany) to visit its vocational studies school Berufskolleg in Borken where we have attented quite interesting workshops as well as sharing the best stratetegies to work reading in our classes.
    Among others, we've been discussing which activities to include in our project manual "The Teaching of Living Abilities with Literacy: A Training Manual, Reading Strategies". We also assessed previous actions and future actions to be implemented at our high school, among others, The Project Book Fair. We also set the date for Estonian mobility next September 2018.