
Monday, 18 December 2017

1st TPM GoFor

   From the 28th November to the 2nd December 2017 we've hosted two teachers from each country taking part in our project such as Estonia, Germany, Turkey and France to work with us and share their education perspectives. We've spent some days having meetings at INS Marina as well as taking part in other activities to get to now La Llagosta and Barcelona's culture. It was an enriching experience! See you all again in Germany, next mobility :)

   Here you've got general information about the 1st TPM.
   Here you can see a video and some pictures of the mobility.

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Prior to our 1st TPM

Dear friends,

We've been working really hard to design a programme that meets our project partners' needs. They are coming to Barcelona today and they will spend two days with us at INS Marina.. We're attenting meetings, we're visiting the school (job shadowing) as well as La Llagosta town with our Mayor. Hope you have a great time! Welcome dear partners!

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Teachers' Meeting

  Today we've met to discuss and agree to implementing an Etwinning project at school which is linked to our Erasmus + project "GoFor". This project, which is students-oriented and competence-based , will be useful for our 4t ESO students to improve their linguistic competences and enrich their European conciousness. Moreover, our aim is to give visibility to the projects and other lively activities we implement in our language lessons here, as well as getting to know other countries' methodologies, activities and students' projects by implementing this collaborative project.

 Thanks a lot for your effort, dear workmates!

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Our project "GoFor" is in AniraM press


Hi everybody!

Time flies and now there are only two weeks times left for our project's partners to come to La Llagosta to spend some days with us at Ins Marina. To get ready, our students have introduced the project "GoFor" to disseminate project's objectives, participants and expected results in our school's magazine "Aniram". Good job dear students! Check it out HERE.

Thursday, 2 November 2017

"GoFor" Breaking News!

   Our new Erasmus + project "GoFor" is on the news! Our local press, 08centvint newspapers devoted an article to disseminate, not only our project, but also the other two Erasmus + projects we've got at our high school. In that way, La Llagosta community is continuously being updated with European actions. #ErasmusPlusSepie #Erasmuspluscat #Goforliteracy

Thursday, 26 October 2017

"Gofor" Erasmus + Corner

Dear friends,

   This year "Literacy Day" last 8th September was celebrated across the world under the theme Literacy in a Digital World. At a record speed, digital technologies are fundamentally changing the way people live, work, learn and socialise. In order to meet our students' and scholar community needs, we've created our Erasmus + corner digitally online. Do you want to know more about this new project that has been approved? Which are the countries involved? Where are the students' mobilities planned? When will they take place?...

   For this information and even more, scan this qr code with your smartphone from time to time...stay tuned!

Monday, 23 October 2017

Literacy Day (Part II)

   Our 4t ESO students celebrated their literacy day by means of presenting in public their favourite books and the cover they designed by themselves using the app "Canva". Items such as topic, author, as well as reviewing the book were included in their presentations to the rest of the class. Books such as Robinson Crusoe, Happy Potter or Buenos dias, Princesa are among their favourites. What's yours?

Click here to see our students presenting their book covers.

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Workshop Coordinators of a recently approved Erasmus + project

During the 28th and 29th September, we've spent two days in Tenerife where we attended the workshop organised by SEPIE (our National Agency) to give us feedback and information on how to deal with an Erasmus + project. In the workshop, we learned about coordinators' tasks, partners' tasks, dissemination and impact measure and ideas, outcomes and requirements by our NA. It was indeed a profitable experience. #ErasmusPlusSepie #ErasmusplusCat #Goforliteracy

Monday, 25 September 2017

Tasks to be done in October

   As a first step, we need to analyse what is our starting point regarding our students' reading, listening, speaking and writing skills; as well as other skills related to autonomy, decision making, critical thinking or problem solving. To do this, we'd like our 4t ESO students to do these surveys. Check them out!

GFLEF Infographic

   Here you are our project infographic which contains basic information related to participant schools, timeline of activities and mobilities, project objectives, expected impact and results and evaluation processes. Moreover you can click on "Useful links" which directs you to our wiki, INS Marina website and our blog. Stay tuned!

Monday, 18 September 2017

International Literacy Day in a Digital World 8th Sept 2017

   As every 8th September, this year we've celebrated the International Literacy day. Our 4t ESO students have done this task in class as an initial evaluation.

"Go for Literacy to Enlighten your future" has been approved!

   We're happy to announce the project Eramus + "Go for Literacy to Enlighten your Future" has been approved at INS Marina. It'll be implemented in 4t ESO courses during two years 2017-2019.
   As as introduction, we hold a teaching staff meeting where we introduced the main objectives, products and impact of the project. This was the presentation: