
Thursday, 26 October 2017

"Gofor" Erasmus + Corner

Dear friends,

   This year "Literacy Day" last 8th September was celebrated across the world under the theme Literacy in a Digital World. At a record speed, digital technologies are fundamentally changing the way people live, work, learn and socialise. In order to meet our students' and scholar community needs, we've created our Erasmus + corner digitally online. Do you want to know more about this new project that has been approved? Which are the countries involved? Where are the students' mobilities planned? When will they take place?...

   For this information and even more, scan this qr code with your smartphone from time to time...stay tuned!

Monday, 23 October 2017

Literacy Day (Part II)

   Our 4t ESO students celebrated their literacy day by means of presenting in public their favourite books and the cover they designed by themselves using the app "Canva". Items such as topic, author, as well as reviewing the book were included in their presentations to the rest of the class. Books such as Robinson Crusoe, Happy Potter or Buenos dias, Princesa are among their favourites. What's yours?

Click here to see our students presenting their book covers.

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Workshop Coordinators of a recently approved Erasmus + project

During the 28th and 29th September, we've spent two days in Tenerife where we attended the workshop organised by SEPIE (our National Agency) to give us feedback and information on how to deal with an Erasmus + project. In the workshop, we learned about coordinators' tasks, partners' tasks, dissemination and impact measure and ideas, outcomes and requirements by our NA. It was indeed a profitable experience. #ErasmusPlusSepie #ErasmusplusCat #Goforliteracy